Chris Thomas from Hi-Fi+ (UK) has reviewed our flagship speakers.
“It is very precise, concise, and beautifully controlled, but seldom clinical. Dynamic and focussed, it was superb on most bass instruments with no vagueness or incoherence that I could detect. They have that feeling that comes from ultra-lightweight driver cones and tightly controlled enclosures. These Estelons are endlessly expansive. They shift the music out of the not-inconsiderable cabinets and into the room before you. In many ways, they behave like the small XCs; both have a voice that is free and dynamic from the gentlest whisper to the most shuddering dynamics.
But, for me, the Extremes are not really about bandwidth or the sheer imposing power of their sound. They are actually all about subtlety, musicianship and the art of recording. They are about communication, involvement, emotion, and about you, the listener and the music you love. Yes, they are crazy money and a complete system capable of showing what they can do is even crazier. They are a statement product, unfortunately to be afforded by very few. I could call them the ‘lucky’ few. But that shouldn’t detract from what a stunning experience listening to them can be.”
Read the full review HERE.